River Center - MetroParks of Butler County

River Center - MetroParks of Butler County
River Center - MetroParks of Butler County
On the Water On the Trail In our Communities 

The River Center at Bicentennial Commons, Middletown, is situated along the Great Miami River Trail and serves as a reprieve for bicyclists, runners, and pedestrians alike. The building is 3,006 square feet in size and sits on 3.2 acres of land. The facility is equipped with a kitchenette, conference room (Great Miami Room), restrooms, two park offices, and 40 parking spaces. MetroParks of Butler County offers outdoor space and recreation at 10 parks and over 4,500 acres across the county. MetroParks began as the Butler County Park Board in 1955 when a group of concerned citizens came together with the common purpose to preserve and restore natural areas in Butler County. Today, park customer/owners can take joy in leisure and recreational activities happening park wide. Future plans for trail connection from Middletown to Franklin are expected to come on line in 2020-21. This will connect the Great Miami River Trail to Dayton and beyond for nearly 80 miles of continuous trail, making Middletown a major bike destination. This $1.4 million project was made possible in part by a $1 million State Capital Grant administered by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

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120 South Carmody Boulevard
Middletown, OH 45044

Parking Lot
Drinking Water
Picnic Area
Recreational Trail Access